最近发现2首好歌,DO YOU KNOW by Enrique Iglesias,那是很棒滴,还有首日文歌,《金鱼花火》by 大塚愛。喜欢安静或者快节奏的人都适合哦。今天作了2格图画效果,感觉现在对路径的运用开始有点上手了,嘿嘿~
4 steps to delete account in DB. Delete from accounts where preferred_email=’’; delete from account_ssh_keys where account_id=''; delete from account_external_ids where external_id='gerrit:*’; delete from account_external_ids where external_id='username:*’; whatever it was in H2 database and postgres db . H2: ssh -p 24198 localhost gerrit gsql Postgres: psql