
Gerrit send mail without to and error with reviewers

We have problem since users said they can't receive mail from the gerrit server. For IT perspective, we do nothing, because of Gerrit (2.2.X) is different with the others, especially for access control.
The fix thing, disable the group options and unchecked two options.


Harrah's Casino Chester, PA - Mapyro
Harrah's Casino 사천 출장안마 Chester, 밀양 출장마사지 Pennsylvania is a 5-star hotel located on the Qualla 고양 출장샵 Boundary in Chester, Pennsylvania, and is open daily 24 hours.Free 울산광역 출장안마 WiFi: 8.8 Rating: 2.5 안양 출장샵 · ‎14 reviews · ‎Price range: $$


4 steps to delete account in Gerrit DB

4 steps to delete account in DB. Delete from accounts where preferred_email=’’; delete from account_ssh_keys where account_id=''; delete from account_external_ids where external_id='gerrit:*’; delete from account_external_ids where external_id='username:*’; whatever it was in H2 database and postgres db . H2: ssh -p 24198 localhost gerrit gsql Postgres: psql


apache安装后,如果想再添加模块,往往不想重新安装一次,再者,我在安装中发现,并不是安装文件中所有的modules都会被默认安装,即使在安装中使用了 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache --enable-so --enable-modules=all --enable-mods-shared=all也是如此。我使用上述方法安装的apache2.2.6就没有安装proxy相关模块。这时,需要手工生成so文件,但会自动的被复制到你的apache安装目录的modules中,然后修改apache的配置文件,加载相关模块,验证apache配置并重启服务即可。以上描述的具体操作步骤如下: 操作系统:linux redhat 4.5 ES apache版本:2.2.6 可自行下载tar包 1. 拷贝安装包到/usr/local,并在目标目录下进行解压。[root@localhost local]# cd /usr/local[root@localhost local]# tar -zxvf httpd-2.2.4.tar.gz2. 配置安装参数,安装的目标目录为/usr/local/apache,建议设置enable-mods-shared=all,不用的module注释掉就行了![root@localhost local]# cd httpd-2.2.4[root@localhost httpd-2.2.4]# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache --enable-so --enable-mods-shared=all3. 编译并安装。[root@localhost httpd-2.2.4]# make[root@localhost httpd-2.2.4]# make install4. 启动Apache,并测试。[root@localhost httpd-2.2.4]# cd /usr/local/apache/bin[root@localhost bin]# ./apachectl start 打开浏览器,并在地址栏中输入主机的IP地址如 如果出现以下画面则说明安装成功。It works! 注意:安装完成后检查系统服务中的HTTPD服务是否已