回了杭州,周五跟老爹吃夜宵,周六跟一群人玩,好乐迪9折加对折,然后夜宵,长肉。 跟老妈逛街。。花了我一千大洋,买了2件外套了受不了了。 结果。。唉。。去赶火车结果没坐上,改签,跟老妈发脾气。。让我多睡了10分钟结果拉下了火车。 然后做七点四十七的车,一路出战一路狂奔赶地铁。。 终于赶上了。 真不容易,还是要提早啊
4 steps to delete account in DB. Delete from accounts where preferred_email=’’; delete from account_ssh_keys where account_id=''; delete from account_external_ids where external_id='gerrit:*’; delete from account_external_ids where external_id='username:*’; whatever it was in H2 database and postgres db . H2: ssh -p 24198 localhost gerrit gsql Postgres: psql