
Family day

Today is my family day, My dad and Mon came to ShangHai for a short break. I picked them up, totally cost 1 hour take them to the place which I hired a month ago.
We talked, laughed, and walked around, shopping together, I love my parents, but never said that words. Afther dinner, I sent them back to Hangzhou. I found that I hate myself. I never felt that before, Wherever in SiChuan or in Hangzhou. I leave them alone and turn them hair to whrite. I can't say any word , they always worried about me , but I never gave them any happiess. I so worry about how they are and what they will look like. They never told me how they worry about me, just told me everything is ok. I cry .. never do that before.
everything is moving on, I know I should keep moving. Earn a house ,Living with my parents. Just do what I have to do, The salary is not enough, the experience is also not enough.




4 steps to delete account in Gerrit DB

4 steps to delete account in DB. Delete from accounts where preferred_email=’’; delete from account_ssh_keys where account_id=''; delete from account_external_ids where external_id='gerrit:*’; delete from account_external_ids where external_id='username:*’; whatever it was in H2 database and postgres db . H2: ssh -p 24198 localhost gerrit gsql Postgres: psql

vmware esxi 安装

需求来自于save cost. 开始有用户需求部署vmware esxi为架构的虚拟机, 由于目前没有server来测试,用户自己找的pavilion的家用机系列也跑不了。只得从onsite那里借来一台xw4400. 这机器吧,挺好,xw4400开跑的64位虚拟支持的话,先得在Blos上设置下, 因为没有这方面经验,以为机器都能直接判断,但是从安装实录上里讲,需要在blos里这是,对于xw4400的设置是,security-os security- enable virtualization. 然后重启。顺便丢入光盘。   iso其实很小大概只有200多M,是一个linux kernel的东西。里面从个人观点来看,带有web接口。和管理接口。 安装程序会自动检测你机器的配置是否符合安装要求,家用额pavilion就没检测过,看网上资料,初步认定是网卡没有不办法兼容。 一路按照提示点F2和enter就成。由于是基于网络的,请注意ip的分配。 安装完成之后请拿出光盘,因为我之前就是这样犯了个错误,导致重复安装一次:(   重启之后,会有一个界面告诉你这个管理的 http://ip 是啥, 然后你可以通过windows client段去下载客户端管理工具,ci. 里面按f2是管理配置界面,可以配置root密码,ip地址等等,详细可以参考 文章 .   点击后的下载ci客户端,点击,输入控制端ip/用户名/密码。 然后就是如vmware的配置一般。 有一点奇怪的是,他竟然没有办法认出host上的光驱。好在有网络以后,他可以mount本机和网络上的盘,当然我指的是client上的物理光驱以及网络上的虚拟iso. 选择client的话,然后用物理光驱要选emulate cd. 安装非常的方便。 然后装完两个32bit and 64bit的suse. 用户开始test -- Alex Tu ----------------------------------------------------------- ShangHai,China