

Setagaya park

  We visited Setagaya Park (世田谷区) yesterday. This park reminds us when we in Europe, which has a fancy fountain in the middle, and free entrance. People just laid down on the grass, enjoy the day time they can waste. people who have kids together,  play all different kinds of sports. you really can't image whether you are in Europe or  Japan. I would prefer to use a Bus instead of the metro, the metro is fast, but you only can see the dark, light, people sit or stand as Sardine, without any emotion. but on the bus, you can see the traffic, the shop, everything on the road. When we on our way to the park, we stop by a good chocolate shop named " craft chocolate works ",  this is a very good place to have ice cream, you probably can choose half & half, you can enjoy the feeling when you smell the chocolate smell and eat with it.  or you can enjoy beer or cake in "globe antiques (ザ グローブアン ティ ークス) .   also, we checked the Blue Bottle Coffee Sangenjaya ...

Back to Blog again

     My last blog was almost 6 years again.  lots of things happening those years. like marriage, and move to another country, simply relocation, something is very big in my life.      Back to now,  I guess it is a very good time to start with the blog again. no matter daily life or the tech parts.      These blog may or will contains various languages, Chinese, English or Few Japanese. The first thing, I change the profile to Kamata life, Kamata is Japanese words. "鎌田"  as Kanji. why this change happened, due to we will move from Tamagawa "玉川" to Kamata very soon. I hope I can start to write this not daily, but I hope I can do this continuously.

difference betewn subprocess.call and subprocess.Popen

You typically use subprocess.call when you do not care about the ouptut of the shell command and you just want it to run. If you need to capture the output of a command, then you will want to use subprocess.Popen. There is another sizable difference between subprocess.call and subprocess.Popen. Subprocess.call will block waiting for a response, while subprocess.Popen will not.

project myself

start to initial this project and track all the changes and happens. sub projects had been divided. project apartment project money project module project reading project learning project photos

NFS on redhat

     When we found the server with mount protocol has problem, the nfs server side, it has rpcinfo -p, the mountd port actually we are using 808/850 with tcp/udp port.     The workaround is that we modify /etc/services with specific port number, such as mountd 3333/tcp, mountd 3333/udp. then restart the nfs and portmap service.


Attitude matters too When you see the right thing, do it — this may look like more work in the short term, but it's the path of least effort in the long run. If you don't know what the right thing is, do the minimum necessary to get the job done, at least until you figure out what the right thing is. To do the Unix philosophy right, you have to be loyal to excellence. You have to believe that software design is a craft worth all the intelligence, creativity, and passion you can muster. Otherwise you won't look past the easy, stereotyped ways of approaching design and implementation; you'll rush into coding when you should be thinking. Otherwise you'll carelessly complicate when you should be relentlessly simplifying — and then you'll wonder why your code bloats and debugging is so hard. To do the Unix philosophy right, you have to value your own time enough never to waste it. If someone has already solved a problem once, don't let pride or politics suck ...

nexus configuration

nexus是个很好的maven仓库管理器,官方网站为http://nexus.sonatype.org/ 安装nexus到tomcat: 1) 下载nexus-webapp-1.6.0.war 2) 解压nexus-webapp-1.6.0.war到tomcat安装目录下的webapps子目录下,并更名为"nexus" 3) 修改nexus的工作目录:编辑文件“webapps/nexus/WEB-INF/plexus.properties”,修改nexus-work的值为希望的工作目录,默认为nexus-work=${user.home}/sonatype-work/nexus,其中${user.home}为你当前用户的工作目录。 4) 配置maven使用nexus:编辑文件“ ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml”,修改为如下配置:                   nexus       *       http://localhost:8081/nexus/content/groups/public                   nexus                                     central           http://central         ...